Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Meeting Minutes

Minutes 03/06/09 11:00am-12:30pm ELB-230

Meeting called by Ethan Myers - Chapter President

Type of meeting Officer Meeting

Facilitator Ethan Myers - Chapter President

Note takers Kevin Tennyson - Recording Officer and Thi Phung – Vice President of Fellowship

Timekeeper Kevin Tennyson - Recording Officer

Attendees Thi Phung, Carol Parreco, David Buck, Maria Viera, Laura Powell, Ethan Myers, Steve Horvath, Amber Butler, Kevin Tennyson, Llatetra Brown

Agenda topics

Follow-up from last meeting
Steve Horvath

Conclusions We have reserved a table in the RCF building for the service project. We are trying to get an e-mail list of current PTK members. We need to attract more members to meetings and events. We need to get a slide show on the campus TV monitors to increase awareness about PTK.

Service projects
Steve Horvath

Discussion Global Youth Service Day is on April 25. We could clean up a stream for the county Recreation and Parks Department for Global Youth Service Day. April 23 is Earth Day. We will be helping the HCC Environment Club.

Conclusions Kevin will be the contact person with the Environment Club.

Poker Night

Discussion Poker Night will be done jointly with the Game Room staff at the same time as their Texas Hold ‘em night.

Sicko movie
Amber Butler

Discussion We will be showing the movie Sicko on Friday, March 27 at 1:30. It is two hours long, and there will be discussions afterwards.

Conclusions There should be a newspaper article about the upcoming events (including Sicko). Laura will be responsible for writing the article. The officers will watch the movie ahead of time to prepare discussion questions.

Blood diamond
Steve Horvath

Discussion There will be a preview of the movie Blood Diamond on March 13 at 11:00 a.m. There will be showings on April 1 at noon and 8 p.m. The movie is approximately two hours long, and there will be a discussion afterwards.

Conclusions Thi and Maria are in charge of this event.

Induction Ceremony
Discussion The ceremony will be in the Monteabaro Hall in the HVPA building on April 17. Dr. Helen Mitchell will be the keynote speaker. Dr. Morgan will be the MC.

Special notes
Next Meeting is March 20, 2009 11 – 12:30
Coffee and Tea Night in the Galleria – Monday, March 30, from 4 – 6 p.m.

Meeting Minutes

Minutes 02/27/09 11:00am-12:30pm ELB-230

Meeting called by Ethan Myers - Chapter President

Type of meeting Officer Meeting

Facilitator Ethan Myers - Chapter President

Note taker Kevin Tennyson - Recording Officer

Timekeeper Kevin Tennyson - Recording Officer

Attendees Thi Phung, Carol Parreco, David Buck, Maria Viera, Laura Powell, Ethan Myers, Steve Horvath, Amber Butler, Shayna Wise, Kevin Tennyson

Agenda topics

Regional convention
Steve Horvath

Discussion Thi and Maria also attended. There were many interesting talks. They attended a forum on how to create a chapter website. They also developed at Chapter Cheer which they think can be improved upon.

Conclusions The conference was “awesome” and very well attended. Our blog is the right size for our chapter.

SGA Dates
Ethan Myers

Discussion There is a SGA Meeting today (2/27) from 12:30-2:00 in the Galleria. Phi Theta Kappa needs to have
People at the blood drive for March 4 for two hours.

Conclusions Maria is attending the SGA meeting for PTK. Ethan or Laura will attend the blood drive for one hour,
Thi will attend for the other hour.

Service projects
Carol Parreco and Shayna Wise

Discussion Refugee project: The chapter will be working with a local organization which helps Burmese refugees in the area. The chapter will be collecting first aid kits and emergency cards for the organization, but not any medicine. The project fulfills all of the hallmarks.

Global Youth Service Day: Will be April 25. PTK counts as youth. We will be working with the county Recreation and Parks Department and high schools. It will count as leadership and service.

Conclusions We need to assign priority to different events and projects, make sure that we record the requisite information about who attends them. We need to work on fliers and collecting for the refugee project.

Earth Day
Wendy Alberg

Discussion Wendy Alberg, a PTK member who is in the Environment Club, asked for our help with their Earth Day Celebration. This might count as a fellowship event.

Conclusions The chapter will be teaming up with the HCC Environment Club to help them on Earth Day. We will be helping them with games and other activities on April 23 from 11 to 2.

Honor study topic / Diversity week

Discussion There will be two movies, Blood Diamond and Sicko, shown in the Smith Theater. There will be discussions afterwards with students and advisors.

Conclusions Preview March 13 at 11:00 a.m. Bring discussion questions.

Fellowship event

Discussion Poker Night: Bring donation in order to play. Small prizes for winner. Send donation to Howard County food bank. Friday, April 24

Wendy Alberg

Special notes
Next Meeting is March 6, 2009 11 – 12:30 in Duncan Hall 230
Induction Ceremony will be April 17 in Monteabaro Hall

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Our Neighbors Need Our Help!

Your donation will help local Burmese refugees care for their families.

Monetary donations will be collected:
March 16th, 18th, & 20th
11 AM — 2 PM in the RCF Lobby

Howard County’s growing Burmese refugee community is in need of First Aid kits for their
families. Phi Theta Kappa has partnered with FIRN to collect donations to purchase the
much needed First Aid kits. PTK students will be collecting donations in the RCF Lobby the
week of March 16th.

You can HELP without even leaving campus!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Join PTK members at a free showing of the film Blood Diamond at the Smith Theater on Wednesday, April 1st. Showtimes at noon and again at 8pm!