Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Coffee and Tea with PTK!

Come and join the officers and advisors of PTK for free coffee, tea, snacks, and conversation - all members of PTK at HCC are welcome!

When: Monday, November 3rd, 4-6 pm
Where: The HCC Galleria

(PS - Did you know our chapter is on Facebook? Join our Group: Phi Theta Kappa - Alpha Alpha Sigma to keep up with what's going on in PTK!)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Debate Discussion Thursday, October 16th!

Join Professor Fred Campbell and other PTK members for a discussion of the final Presidential Debate.

First, watch the debate (on any major network) Wednesday night at 9pm. Take notes about what you see, what you agree or disagree with, and what you might still have questions about.

Then, come to the Galleria at 3:30pm Thursday to discuss it. This is a great opportunity for some real discussion with your peers about the 2 candidates and their positions.

Republicans, Democrats, Green Party, and all others are welcome. Bring a snack with you! Hope to see you there!