Tuesday, September 30, 2008

PTK Meeting on October 3rd

The PTK meeting on October 3rd will be held from 9-10:30 am in ELB 230.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Chapter Meeting Minutes

Here are the minutes from the chapter meeting September 5, 2008. We'll publish the minutes regularly so that all PTK members can see what we're up to.

(Thanks to Thi for writing these up!)

Phi Theta Kappa
Friday 09/05/2008

1. Official meeting time

  • a. Every other Friday 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
  • b. Next meeting: September 19th

2. SGA Meeting

  • a. Friday, September 12th in Burril Galleria 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
  • b. Attending officers: Shayna and Thi

3. Club Rush

  • a. Tuesday, September 9th
  • b. Maria and Ethan

4. State Leadership Conference

  • a. On October 18th at Wor-Wic Community College Salisbury
    i. Aspect of leadership
    ii. Fun activities
    iii. Speakers
    iv. Exchanging idea w/other chapters

5. Hallmark Awards/Goal for the Year

  • a. Four Star
    i. 2 Hallmark submissions (January 10th???)
    ii. Campaigns for regional offices
    iii. Host meetings
    iv. This year: focus mainly on submissions

6. Future Events

  • a. Oct. 10th Stream Clean Up
  • b. Sept. 25th Make a Different Day
  • c. Nov. 20th Oxfam Hunger Fast
  • d. **For all the events listed above—exact time will be announced**
  • e. Constitution Day (contact Fred Campbell)
    i. RCF400
    ii. Panel discussion on presidential race and the Constitution
    iii. Involvement from PTK
    iv. Voter registration drive


  • a. CafĂ© meeting
    i. Conversation with other PTK members to encourage
    more involvement with the organization
    ii. Maria: Monday 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
    iii. Shayna: Thursday 3:30 – 5:30 p.m.
    iv. Fred (not sure what time he signed up for)
  • b. Ice Cream Social
    i. Goal: more participation from members
    ii. Require members to attend at least one meeting/group
  • c. Fun activities/social events after the induction ceremony for all members
  • d. International Convention
    i. April in Texas
    ii. Need funding
  • e. Regional Convention
    i. February in Texas
    ii. Much more doable
  • f. Student Leadership Conference
    i. October 10th on campus
  • g. “PTK garden”: in Spring on campus